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Sugar Lumps and Black Eye Blues by TS Hawkins
Sugar Lumps and Black Eye Blues is a smorgasbord of emotions that are sautéed in wordplay. The course begins with cocktails of exploration leading to desserts of revelations; revealing many journeys in womanhood. When stepping inside these pages, select from a menu of moments to entice the mental palette. You won't be satisfied unless every moment is sopped up like gravy to a biscuit. Make time to savor in memories of relationship while cultivating a better outlook on new ones!

Confectionately, Yours by TS Hawkins
Confectionately Yours falls in step with debut work Sugar Lumps and Black Eye Blues by highlighting the author's spirited phrase "even sugar can be raw" Personal, political, and passionate this journal of moments examines the triumphs, pitfalls, and chaos of daily living with a pen and a notebook for social change. Documenting birthdays, holidays, campaign trails, Auld Lang Syne, Valentine, social causes to Santa Claus, May flowers, and spring showers with anticipation to find the natural saccharine of humanity.

Mahogany Nectar by TS Hawkins
Highlighting the good, the bad, the ugly, and the hilarity of twenty-some years Mahogany Nectar takes you to the initial stages that forged a bond between the author, the pen, and the written word. The author speaks about a broken home, a loving mother, a puzzle-piece lineage, woes of collegiate life, proms and promenades, death, rebirths, and sexuality lessons at the neighborhood park and community pool. Although the bookend to the saccharine glazed trilogy, sharing these experiences is only the beginning!

Lil Blaek Book: All the Long Stories Short by TS Hawkins
Where night table meets coffee table, Lil Blæk Book All the Long Stories Short delights in bringing the evening to daytime, sparking tête-à-têtes that would blush the rays off the sun. This tell-all book delivers new meaning to the phrase "the long and short of it" with sass, vulnerability, and poetic flare!

The Hotel Haikus by TS Hawkins
The landlord fails to change the locks; evicted tenants make a revengeful return and set the apartment building on fire! Flames, firefighters, and fear of the unknown pen a hilariously tragic haiku over and over again. From homelessness to a hotel that looked like the backdrop for any American horror film, poetry became the vehicle trudging these two souls to sanity!

The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G by TS Hawkins
  • Paperback - limited release
  • eBook
  • Script
The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G journeys through the lives of seven children being escorted into "womanhood". Using poetic dialogue and embracing multiple levels of play, they teach each other ways to interact with the world at large. Poised as a proem to Ntozake Shange's for colored girls who have considered suicide/when the rainbow is enuf, The Secret Life of Wonder: a prologue in G highlights the embryonic spark of when all-girls gather; soothing each other's aches, sorting through puzzles and sharing in triumphs with a chosen collective.

*excerpt featured in Closet Cases/Queers on What We Wear [Et Alia Press]

In Their Silence by TS Hawkins
  • Paperback - limited release
  • eBook
  • Script
Grace is a burgeoning therapist. Merci dangles for freedom at the bottom of a bourbon glass. College sweethearts and newlyweds, they elope to Philadelphia for a fresh beginning. Stumbling into polarizing landscapes, they struggle in the margins of heart and home.

*excerpt featured in Rising Voices: Poems Towards a Social Justice Revolution [University Professors Press]

#SuiteReality by TS Hawkins
  • Paperback - limited release
  • Script
#SuiteReality is an award-winning choreopoem experience that touches upon Women's Rights, Black Lives Matter, and #SayHerName; a campaign that highlights womynx who have been killed by the fragility of masculinity and police brutality. Despite the chaos and calamity of life, black & brown womynx continue to make space for radical magic and merriment!

*Surya Bonaly "Reality Check" Awardee
*featured in WORDPEACE International Literary Journal
*accessible via Carnegie Mellon University Hunt Library

sweet bread peaches by TS Hawkins
  • Paperback - limited release
  • Script
Capitalism and white supremacy have made existing in one's skin a political landfill. From toxic social commentary to epigenetic injustice, America continues to legislate black & brown bodies as entities to war over or rally against. Meet journey & onward as they navigate the cost of unearthing what it means to be "free”.

*excerpt featured in Pandemic of Violence Anthology vol. 2 [North of Oxford Press]
*excerpt featured in SONKU Collective vol. II - "Family Legacies" [SONKU Literary Magazine]

BECOMING SATURN: a collection of rhymes, roses, and resistance by TS Hawkins
BECOMING SATURN: a collection of rhymes, roses, and resistance explores what does it earnestly mean to step into one's own? to exist? to be seen? and, to just "be"...?

The Adventures of Lew & Ann by TS Hawkins
  • Paperback - coming soon 2024 (PreK -2)
  • eBook
Journey with Lew & Ann as they imagine the world one day and one page at a time!

Caring Package: experiments in love (anthology)
  • Paperback - limited release
  • eBook
a KALEID THEATRE mixxtape curated and written by Sarah Mitteldorf, Pratima Agrawal, Charlie Davis, Ro Gauger, TS Hawkins & Minou Pourshariati is a love note, soul siren song, and the ultimate "thank you" to a community of creatives near and far leaving it all on the stage (and page) for the world to experience!

Rising Voices: Poems Toward a Social Justice Revolution (anthology)
Poetry and art can — and should — change the world. Rising Voices: Poetry Toward a Social Justice Revolution forcefully demonstrates this truth. With 77 poems from 45 poets, Rising Voices addresses critical social justice issues of our time, including racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, homelessness, and more. Each topic is approached with sensitivity and insight, strength and compassion. Readers will be provoked to reflection, tears, and action. Rising Voices seeks to comfort, support, and empower those engaged in social justice work while inspiring others to join the movements. This volume includes poems by TS Hawkins, Frederick K. Foote, Jr., Red Haircrow, Aliya J'anai, J. Thomas Brown, Venita Thomas, Carol Barrett, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., Veronica Lac, Louis Hoffman, and more. In addition to the poems, Rising Voices includes a powerful introduction that frames the poetry of the volume through covering topics such as Critical Race Theory, counter-stories, the role of empathy, transforming suffering through meaning, the hard and soft edges of social justice, and more. At the conclusion, several activities are included to help readers reflect upon how they can use their own poetry and the poetry of others to participate in the social justice revolution.

Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear (anthology)
This is much more than a “fashion book.” It is a collection of artifacts that testifies to the power of fashion as a verb as it unfolds the complex and lovely strategies governing what we do in the LGBTQ+ community to build authentic selves that are both comfortable and seen. Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear edited by Megan Volpert features Adornment by TS Hawkins! Along with seventy-five creative contributors, Hawkins is honored to share with the world an array of hues that spiral the prismatic spectrum!

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