News: Now Available "Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear"!

Closet Cases: Queers on What We Wear edited by Megan Volpert has hit the virtual shelves! TS Hawkins debuts new poem "Adornment" and joins seventy-five creatives who delight in bedazzling your world! Collect your copy here!
Jean jackets can be armor. Bracelets, spiritual totems. Belts can save lives, or take them.
As a verb, "fashion" is exceedingly queer. Our queer community learns to fashion identity from and through the clothes we wear, the costumes we choose, the fabrics we desire—and the statements these make. No other community allows clothing to serve as such a primary, dominant marker of subjectivity, both individually and collectively. We don’t simply permit fashioning; we rely upon what we put on our bodies to tip-off, to signal, and to serve as evidence of who we are.
This is much more than a “fashion book.” It is a collection of artifacts that testifies to the power of fashion as a verb as it unfolds the complex and lovely strategies governing what we do in the LGBTQIA+ community to build authentic selves that are both comfortable and seen.
8.5 x 8.5. Standard color. 176 pages. Features the images and words of 75 contributors.
ISBN: 978-1-944528-06-5
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